Dr. Hsu earned a doctorate in Musical Arts from the University of Maryland at College Park and both bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

In 1990, she went to University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and studied under professors such as Austrian educator and founder of the “Kreisler International Violin Competition” Michael Frischenschlager, Russian educator EvegeniaTschougaeva, and former “Alban Berg Quartet” violinist Klaus Metzl.

In 2001, she received a full scholarship to further her studies in the United States of America, where she studied under professors including David Salness, James Stern, William Preucil and the “Guarneri Quartet”. From 2001 to 2004, she taught violin and orchestra practice in the Washington D.C. Youth Symphony Orchestra, and often performed with the orchestra in the Greater Washington area. In 2004, she was also appointed to teach in the Music Department of Montgomery College in Maryland as a violin professor. From 2004 to 2005, she was constantly invited to be the principal performer of the Summer Opera in the Greater Washington area. In 2005, she was recognized by contemporary composers Robert Gibson and Guy E. Garnett to perform their works in her solo recitals.

In 2006, she returned to Taiwan from the United States and was invited to give a lecture at the National Institute of Education. Since then, she has held many concerts throughout the countries such as Asia, Australia and Europe. Besides, Dr. Hsu often serves as a judge for domestic and foreign music competitions. In terms of education, she has supervised the theses and dissertations of many master’s and doctoral students, as well as be responsible for writing and editing the curriculum of Arts and Life and Aesthetic education courses for Taiwan’s Ministry of Education.

Until 2024, Dr. Hsu had been taught in the Music Department of National Taiwan Normal University, National Taiwan University of Arts and University of Taipei.

She currently resides in California.